14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2024, Atenas (Grecia). 03-06 noviembre 2024
The Iberian electricity markets use a dedicated congestion management market to address network constraint violations arising from zonal day-ahead market dispatches. This market operates in two phases: the first phase resolves local congestion through redispatch, while the second phase restores the balance between generation and demand. This study evaluates the effectiveness of this two-phase approach in the context of a rapidly evolving energy sector. We identify inefficiencies in the current two-phase DACM model and examine the performance of an alternative approach which involves addressing the imbalances after day-ahead congestion management in the balancing market. Using a nine-node system, we demonstrate that each model has its strengths and weaknesses, depending on predicted system conditions. Our findings suggest that a dynamic market model, which adapts based on real-time predictions, offers the greatest efficiency. This adaptive model effectively addresses the challenges posed by intraday trading and the availability of flexible resources, thereby enhancing overall market performance.
Resumen divulgativo:
Los mercados eléctricos ibéricos utilizan un enfoque de gestión de las congestiones en dos fases, a través del redespatcho para aliviar congestiones y el rebalance del sistema. Este estudio encuentra ineficiencias en el modelo actual y sugiere que un modelo dinámico y adaptativo en tiempo real para incrementar la ficiencia del mercado.
Palabras clave: Congestion Management, Spanish Electricity Markets, Redispatch, Balancing Markets, Zonal Market Design
Fecha de publicación: 2024-11-03.
S. Bindu, J.P. Chaves, L. Olmos, T. Gómez, The need for system balance restoration after congestion management: an examination of Iberian congestion management markets, 14th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion - MED POWER 2024, Atenas (Grecia). 03-06 noviembre 2024.